Services we
offer to our Customers
Access Programming |
Our people have been doing
programming using Microsoft Access since 1992 when the first version arrived on
the market. Access is a unique database in that it can be used to store
data, plus it has forms and reports to work with the data. Most database
do not have forms and reports to present the data, just means to store and
manipulate the data. You can also use Access for forms, report, and code,
and then use SQL Server to store and manipulate the data. You would want
to use SQL Server when you get to the point of about 20 users of the same
Access has become the de facto relational database of small business. It allows
for fast implementation, quick changes and additions. You want a program that
can grow with your business. Some of the applications we have written in
Microsoft Access include:
Applications We Have Written:
Order Tracking System
Write up work orders
Schedule Jobs
Track sales per customer and per product category.
Return Goods Management System using our RRx™
System (Rapid Record Exchange System).
Track all returns that
come in
Assign RA numbers
Set up trucking for all
the returns.
Communicate with truck
lines, FedEx, etc. using EDI and XML.
Track all conversations
with people where freight is being pickup.
Faxing and e-mailing
Communication with
customers through web services.
Verify that the freight
has been picked up using communication through EDI and XML with the
truck lines, FedEx, and customers.
Used SQL Server to
store all data.
< style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: Times New Roman">Return Goods
Customer Applications>
An application that is given to customers to enter and keep track of returns.
This communicates with the above application using web services.
Hotel Information System
Application to make reservations at hotels etc. around the world for smaller
travel agents.
Automatically receive information for request from automated systems like
Amadeus, Sabre, and Worldspan.
Automatically faxed the properties once confirmation was made by phone.
Automatically recapped all reservations for all properties 24 hours before
customer arrived.
Medical Lab
Tracked patients and labatory tests.
Doctors who oredered the test.
Labels for samples taken.
Outcome and reporting
Resource Systems
Tracked Individuals who volunteered and/or contributed money.
Tracked Companies/Organizations who sent volunteeres and/or contributed money.
Tracked pledges.
Send letters of thanks and request.
Charge Back System
Track Job Orders to charge back to other departmens.
Track product cost and supplier from current to back the last ten years.
Import accounting codes to go with jobs and products.
Output accounting information to the General Ledger program.
Permit Reports
A list of builders and all the permits they tookout in the last 12 months.
Each builder who has 10 or more permits is listed with the number of permits
for each of the last 12 months and the total permits for the last 12 months.
This is sold to people who want to sell to builders.
Membership Tracking and Accounting Application (see
a small sampling of forms)
Tracked companies and Individuals
Automatic billing for membership.
Invoices, Account Receivable lists, Deposits, Refunds, Products, Departments
and Profit Centers.
Event Registration and automatic billing.
Home Tours - Setup and manage.
Shows done for the public - Setup and manage and automatic billing.
Advertising tracking.
Used SQL Server to store all data.
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Server |
We have the expertise with SQL Server to develop robost applications with
Windows or Web front ends. We do the complete turnkey system with SQL
Server or work with your staff to manage the server. If you are going to
use SQL Server with your database you should have someone on staff who could
manage and backup SQL Server, or we can work with Terminal Server to manage
your server.
SQL Server is a database with no forms or reports (reports are available in
conjunction with some front ends). SQL server is one of the most secure
and robust databases on the market to store your data. You would
want to use SQL Server to store your data when you get to the point of about 20
users of the same database. You can then use Access or .Net windows forms
for your forms and reports.
You also might want to use SQL Server in conjuction with a data web site.
Applications We Have Written using SQL Server Data Store and Access
Front Ends.
Return Goods Management System using our RRx™
System (Rapid Record Exchange System).
Track all returns that
come in
Assign RA numbers
Set up trucking for all
the returns.
Communicate with truck
lines, FedEx, etc. using EDI and XML.
Track all conversations
with people where freight is being pickup.
Faxing and e-mailing
Communication with
customers through web services.
Verify that the freight
has been pickedup using communication through EDI and XML with the
truck lines, FedEx, and customers.
Used SQL Server to
store all data.
Membership Tracking
and Accounting Application
Tracked companies and Individuals
Automatic billing for membership.
Invoices, Account Receivable lists, Deposits, Refunds, Products, Departments
and Profit Centers.
Event Registration and automatic billing.
Home Tours - Setup and manage.
Shows done for the public - Setup and manage and automatic billing.
Advertising tracking.
Used SQL Server to store all data
Applications We Have Written using SQL Server Data Store and .Net Web
Services.< style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: Times New
RRx™ (Rapid Record Exchange) Exchanging Records between
A web site that works with multiple applications to move data between partners.
Give partners to have the ability to have all their data and updates.
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Basic .Net Web Application
If you want a pretty website written, our company is not the right company to
pick. We deal with data. If you need to communicate with data, give
us a call.
We use Visual Basic .Net to write Web Applications that move data back and
forth between partners.
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- Rapid Record Exchange™
Communication Between You and Your Customer over the Web
See a small sampling of forms
from a client application.
The RRx™ (Rapid Record Exchange™) System is a program written
for organizations who want to communicate with their partners (customers,
vendors, subsidiaries, etc.)
It allows the swift movement of data to and from your partners.
You can send and receive information to and from your partners or you can just
send updates to your partners.
Push a button, and your record will be transmitted to/from your partner.
We use Web Services to move data through XML Documents to and from a web server
that is sitting on the web.
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- Faxing - XML - EDI Communication with Your Customers and Partners |
We live in a day and age that communication with our partners (customers,
vendors, subsidiaries, etc.) is demanded by our business models.
We take our apps and and design them to communicate with our customer's
customers in any means that they are able to send or receive digital data
XML - is the de facto way of communicating data between different
programs, web sites, and different operating systems.
Email - we send e-mails out of most programs to partners to notify them of an
update, change, etc of data. In addition we automatically read data
from e-mails to update or create records in our database.
We give customers the ability to send faxes out of their application
EDI is an old way of communicating among partners. We make that happen in
both directions.
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Consulting |
We do business consulting with a number of companies. We look at ways to
save time, makes additional salse, save money, and make your customers
and employees happy.
We define the current process and then after consulting with the people who use
the process, design a new process that usually will include new computer
programs (a new database).
We come into your operation and evaluate a process you would like to improve.
After consultation with you we design process and computer program(s) that will
increase the efficiency or your operation.
Upon approval - we write the computer program, and install it.
Whether you buy from Business & Computers or someone else you need to
understand the process. We recommend you go through our article
How to Buy Custom Programming
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